SieMak Studio Podcasts

Sweet, Savory, and Sentimental: A Journey Through Life's Experiences

Anthony & Andrew Episode 110

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Ever had a craving for a cold, day-old, crunchy brownie? Or found yourself debating the merits of smooth versus chunky peanut butter? Join me, Drew, and special guest Makayla as we indulge in hilarious and heartfelt conversations about everything from our gaming habits to our favorite food textures, while also diving into the tender moments of life, like moving Sierra out of the house and watching her start a new chapter.

In this humorous yet touching episode, we chat about our experiences with living at home, offering tips on saving money and finding happiness in the process. We reminisce about our own times in sports, share our excitement about Drew's son's recent football success, and even discuss the joy of gaining a new family member as Sierra prepares for her wedding. It's a rollercoaster of emotions as we navigate the ups and downs of life – join us for the ride!

Whether it's debating the best way to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or sharing emotional stories about our children, we're excited to share our thoughts and experiences with you. So grab your favorite snack (we won't judge if it's a cold, crunchy brownie), and let's explore the sweet and savory moments of life together. Who knows – you might just discover a new favorite food combo or gain some valuable life insights along the way!

Speaker 1:

Uh-huh. ["the Star-Spangled Banner"].

Speaker 2:

Hey, welcome to Antscast, Welcome Welcome And welcome to our special guest Me.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

God, you're so loud. Uh, jesus, me I knew, but a guest all the same. That's correct, michaela, that's right.

Speaker 1:

Hello, hello.

Speaker 2:

Good Lord, you're loud, geez Yep, pull you down a little bit Hot mic Geez.

Speaker 3:

Well, it's been. I like it. It's been a bit Sorry. We're busy, we have lives, i was told.

Speaker 2:

I know those are terrible excuses.

Speaker 3:

Well, it's true though We have lives. We just don't think about it, We just don't make time for this. Yeah, we.

Speaker 2:

Listen When we have plenty of time to.

Speaker 3:

You're in bed by like 8.30. It is just not time to record sometimes, and weekends it's, it's, we just don't think about it. It's not like We can get this done, It's not on the front of our brains.

Speaker 2:

Listen, when we were doing this every week. But we were not any busy, that's true, we were a little busier than we are now True.

Speaker 3:

But, something that helped was Shelly said you couldn't play Warzone until we recorded, so now for me. I still played Warzone, but for you you can't play And I'm like, well, shit, we need to get him on because he sucks and he's learned how to get better.

Speaker 2:

Can't get better than not playing. Listen, I don't think I'm gonna get better. You are gonna get better. I don't think I'm gonna. I'm pretty convinced that I just a shitty player at Warzone And I've kind of accepted that And my contribution is bringing down the Uh-oh. How's that work?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, bringing down the Like, the rating.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

It's like an algorithm, so like if you. It's in a way, it is Like if you, if you're really good, they're gonna put you against really good players. It's based on your skill level So they're gonna Right You By you bringing in.

Speaker 3:

So if we, if we're all at my skill level, it's probably And I'm not saying I'm amazing, but I am pretty good at the game, you're pretty decent Then they're gonna put us into a tougher match, right. But if there's like two of us that are at my skill level and then you, they're gonna drop us into a lower skill bracket.

Speaker 2:

So So that's my contribution, yeah Yeah, because I rarely kill any operators in this game, which means real people.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we're not killing real people, but it's real people playing the game Correct. So we just want to clarify that nobody thinks we're out there just shooting up people, just killing people?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

When we say operators, it's real people playing the game. Right. But So, besides that, besides that, it's been good We've been doing fine.

Speaker 2:

You're swinging into your golf season with the nice weather.

Speaker 3:

That's right. I've played four or five times and out of those four or five four of them, let's just say only one game turned out semi-okay. The rest of them was shite.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So that was. I'm definitely gonna have to get back into form. That's what happens when you take time off because you don't play the rain When you're a fair weather Yes, literally a fair weather player.

Speaker 3:

So you have to kind of get back into your swing. I mean, last year, towards the end of summer, i was probably and I don't think this is an exaggeration I was probably playing at least twice, if not three times, a week. Right, I mean I was playing a lot, and so to get back into that is a little hard, sure. So getting there, though, getting good, i'm going golfing tomorrow, so it's a tournament, which I'm not. It's not like you don't get to like, get into the rhythm of the game, because it's best ball, but it's whatever. So, but in other news, my daughter hit a deer with her car. So that's a good. That's going to cost me money to get it fixed.

Speaker 1:

So she's out of car.

Speaker 3:

She's happy about that. My son didn't put oil in his car, so that was bone dry, so that's good.

Speaker 2:

Killed it. Yeah, killed it, seized it.

Speaker 3:

It became a massively large piece of lawn art. And then we got that out of the way though, got him into a new car, which is great for him, probably nicer than he actually needs, probably better last him a long time, Yeah it will. It's only 2012.

Speaker 2:

So it's well. the first one was 1992. Yeah, 92. One year after I graduated.

Speaker 3:

Listen, if he would have kept oil changes on that thing, though, i think that could have ran him for quite a long time, but you know what it reminds me of. I think it might have been Annie Prane, because she for the last year has been like get in a new car, you need something that's more dependable.

Speaker 2:

So I just my thought about that car. Is the one to go back to war zone. Is that one little car?

Speaker 3:

with the mirror off, with the mirror that's hanging off. It's just a shitty white car.

Speaker 2:

That's like smoking immediately.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and then as you jump in, it's like one, one little ping of a bullet and it's like, oh, it loses half its damage. It's the worst car in the game.

Speaker 2:

That's what his car reminds me of. Yeah, 1992.

Speaker 3:

So now it's. Now it's a 2012 same style of car, but a 2012, and it actually the people who had it before him took a really nice care of it.

Speaker 2:

It's a really nice car, so that's great. Perfect for him. It's good for him.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, outside of that, and you know doing good, how about you?

Speaker 2:

Well, we moved Sierra out of the house a week ago from the time of this recording Me and Josh when she was on her bachelorette party with her sister and a bunch of friends. Was this her bachelorette party? Yes, that's great.

Speaker 3:

Sierra's bachelors party Did you guys have a chip and Dale.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Well, that sucks.

Speaker 2:

I would have had a chip and Dale at my bachelor party.

Speaker 3:

Wait a second.

Speaker 2:

So they're in this really cute little house, yeah, and so Josh was moving in. Josh was able to move on in on the first. So a couple of weeks ago I said Sierra, i think, because we're going to need a rent to you hall, we actually really didn't need a U-Haul for his stuff, we did for hers, and at the time I thought, well, let's just rent this U-Haul and move everything in one day. Yeah, everything, your stuff, his stuff, she'll stay here.

Speaker 3:

She doesn't need her stuff. She doesn't need, like her bed and all that stuff.

Speaker 2:

She's here for a month and a half and then they'll be married. So we moved everything out, including her bed. So we bought a new bed because it's going to be our guest room. So she's sleeping on that mattress right now currently. So all that's left is her bathroom stuff and some clothes, basically, and then she's actually the last couple of days gone out and worked at her house because they just got a wifi connected.

Speaker 1:

They're using.

Speaker 2:

Verizon So they wanted to test that out and see if it was going to work for us. The last couple of days she's worked out there. Can you tell us about? your tender moment, my tender moment.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I can share that.

Speaker 2:

So Josh came over he was early, which I was very happy about. We went over and got our mattress and their mattress. We bought them a bed for a wedding gift And then so Saturday that was all in the truck. We unloaded one bed and then we started moving stuff out of her room. And the first thing that I moved out was her work chair, her office chair, and when I moved that out I got a little sad. And why? Because are you just wanting me to get sad here?

Speaker 3:

No, i just want you to tell a story of why. I think this is one of those things where, like everyone else, listening is going well, why in the hell did he get sad over a office chair? And I think that the story behind it explains why you got sad.

Speaker 2:

Yes, i did. At the time I felt it a little bit. I rolled it out and took it downstairs and left it in the driveway And it kind of hit me when I. It kind of made me sad because when I would come home from work I would go in and sit with her and kind of bug her until because I would get home maybe 10 minutes, 15, 20, 10 minutes before she would be off work. So then I would go in and bug her and sit on her bed and we'd play with the dogs and talk a little bit And then we would take Rouge for a walk. And so the sadness, the sad part was, is that I'm not going to be able to do that anymore. I'm not going to be sitting in her room waiting for her to get done with work and then us going on a walk.

Speaker 3:

And she would be sitting on her work chair. So when you're moving that work chair out. It's the realization that, all of a sudden, it's like that's over. That time is not there anymore.

Speaker 2:

Yes, correct Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Correct. What I think is is that I was telling them about it.

Speaker 2:

Sorry to interrupt. No, i was telling them about it like on Sunday, because the girls Shelley had already heard about it. I think the girls got back on Sunday night from the bachelorette party So we were just catching up on their time together and then us moving with Josh and all of that. So we had a lot to catch up on and I told them about it and I really got. I got more emotional because she was, you know both of them were there, and she was there, so I got a little reclaimed.

Speaker 2:

I had to kind of stop talking a few times and she came over and put her arm around me and oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

And then I asked you, i said, are it when you, when, when you, when the wedding happens, you'll obviously be walking her down the aisle. Yes, i said, when you walk her down the aisle, are you going to, you know, get emotional and cry? And he, and of course he's like yes, and I said, oh, i'm going to have somebody record that so I can see you being a little bitch.

Speaker 1:

I think they're live streaming it though, are they?

Speaker 3:

So you might be able to see it live. Yeah, I might be able to watch it live. They are.

Speaker 2:

They're going to be awesome. I think they are. They're going to try to look.

Speaker 3:

I've told my wife I want, i want her to record and get an up close shot of you just being a bitch crying And I if anyone out there listening is going to be at this wedding. I want a recording. I will give phone numbers so you can send it to me. I need to see him whining and crying because Why do you?

Speaker 3:

and here's the deal You've told me you get emotional, right Like you get choked up and like when we were talking about it and in our office, you, you were like I'm, i'm, i'm feeling it a little bit.

Speaker 1:

Yes, i don't know if I've ever seen you truly cry.

Speaker 3:

So, to see you in that bitch mode. Gosh, that's like a, that's like a diamond in the rough man. I don't cry often.

Speaker 2:

There's like like tears coming out of my eyes. I get real, real wet in my eyeballs. But I do get. I do get emotional, like when you were watching a video the other day and you were what was it? You were watching a Tik Tok or a.

Speaker 3:

No, I was watching Ted Lasso.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, you were watching Ted Lasso. That's the kind of emotion that I get.

Speaker 3:

I like got a knot in my throat because he was talking about. I don't want to ruin it. Be it for people who haven't watched it.

Speaker 1:

It was like season one or something.

Speaker 3:

It's like it's in the middle of season two and he's talking about his, his dad, and and why he feels the way he does with his dad, but realizing at the same time how great his dad was and why and and and. the fact that his dad leaving him but realizing how great his dad was was was what caught him up in this anger right, and just hearing him tell the story I was like it got me a little choked up, like a little knot in my throat.

Speaker 2:

So that kind of stuff gets me every time. But obviously anything with dad and daughters gets me, because obviously we're girl dads And so, yeah, just talking to you about it, i got a little emotional, but yeah, yeah, i'll be. I told you that I'm probably either going to be a mask the entire time or I'll just be all business. It won't affect me at all.

Speaker 3:

I love Sierra and I would love to be there to support her and getting married, but a large percentage, if I was going to be there, would be to see you cry like a bitch. But unfortunately I'm not going to be there.

Speaker 2:

I already had a trip planned, so, yeah, you already had to try to plan before it was, so they set a date.

Speaker 3:

But it is, it is what it is. So I mean it's that's, hey, that's big stuff.

Speaker 2:

So that's a big deal. So she's been out at the house kind of getting things organized and all that. So we haven't seen her much, but all that's fine. Yeah, we got Micaela.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

She's gonna get all the attention You know what. You stay as long as you want.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying Yeah, it's free rent.

Speaker 2:

She's gonna want to move out.

Speaker 3:

That's all I'm saying. It's free rent. Don't let that, don't listen, do not discount that free rent. Just hang on to that as long as you like.

Speaker 1:

I guess I just get nervous about like over staying. Like what? what's the point where it gets like you're too old to be living at home?

Speaker 2:

At these days? I don't think there is. I think maybe when you're probably hitting your late 20s. but there's a lot of cultures. I think we've talked about this in the past. There's a lot of cultures where kids stay home for quite a while or just stay home, or parents move back in with their kids or whatever. I think the United States is kind of an exception, which we're an exception in a lot of areas where families actually stick together in a lot of other countries, So even into the, until they're married or whatever, i'm not.

Speaker 3:

I can't speak for your parents, right, but for me and my kids I talk all the time about how I can't wait till they move out, right, until they get old enough to move out. The reality is is they could probably stay as long as they want, as long as they don't aren't a nuisance. You know what I'm saying Like and by what I'm saying by that and by saying a nuisance is as long as I don't have to hear them at 3 am when I'm trying to get sleep, or you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Those kind of things This respectful.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, as long as they're respectful. honestly, you'll know, when you have kids, like they're your kids, like the love that you have for them, they can stay as long as they want And it's probably never gonna be to where we're just like, oh you gotta get out. I mean, as long as you're respectful and you actually are mature about what you're doing for me.

Speaker 1:

it's like I don't really care, i don't think there's ever a line I think you've always told us, as long as we're like working towards something or doing something, then it's fine. Well, it's just.

Speaker 2:

I think we also know that nowadays it's really hard to even rent an apartment, especially in this area. So I mean, if you tried to move out now, you'd have to have like five roommates somewhere. You know, sierra and Josh got are really blessed with what they got.

Speaker 1:

You got so lucky, but like how they got their place just doesn't happen. No, no.

Speaker 3:

I mean yeah.

Speaker 2:

No, it doesn't, but it's great for them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2:

And it's amazing for them actually.

Speaker 3:

I mean you could even say, okay, let's just break it down and be like okay, in five years you save up money. you save up a shit ton of money. you have, like, say, 25 grand let's just say 20 grand sitting off to the side because you've saved up so much money by just not having to pay rent and stuff And now in five years you move out. Well, that 20 grand is not enough to get you into a house, necessarily. No, it's not To be able to afford it.

Speaker 2:

So now you're moving into an apartment, you could or you'd have a really big payment. You'd have to make enough to make that payment Right.

Speaker 3:

So now you're moving into an apartment which you're just throwing money away, and now that 20 grand starts to dwindle And it's like, okay, well, what was the point of me doing that? Right? So it's when you know, you'll know. Times right, times right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it'll come. It'll be like kind of probably natural for you where you're like, okay, I need to get some roommates. Yeah, Some of that are annoying. I don't think for us there's gonna be a time where like, okay, as long as, like you said, as long as there's forward movement, you know we don't care. I mean now, if you're making 50 grand a year in your still home will probably well, you'd probably be able to get an apartment. Maybe it would be probably charge your rent, But at that point you're just a roommate, You know, and I'd probably make you move to this bedroom down here into Sierra's room, which is gonna be our guest, And you're just a roommate.

Speaker 3:

You want to be roommates with your dad, mom, dad, mom.

Speaker 2:

It's really not that bad, i think, with the times and how finances are, like apartments and what the market is, and I don't think it's that unusual that kids stay with their parents a little bit longer. I think that's kind of changing a little bit nowadays.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i know a few married couples are like in, like the basement areas.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yep. I mean, just think about what Sierra and Josh would be in if they like they'd be in a really shitty apartment, like a really not nice apartment. Listen.

Speaker 3:

I've I've been there got married. Annie was 18. We moved into a I think I want to say it was like 657 square foot apartment one bedroom, kitchen, bath and living room, dining room. It was tiny, super tiny, and we were paying and, you know, barely making a buy.

Speaker 3:

And then we moved into a bigger apartment because we had a kid come in you know, because we rushed into that And it's like we just it was like paycheck to paycheck, to paycheck to paycheck. So it's like you know, the more you don't get yourself in that situation, the better off, you know. But that's not everything I mean. Also there's something to do. You know, with your happiness you might get annoyed as eff after out of these guys and be like all right, it's time I get my own spot, even if it does cost me. You know what I'm saying. So, but like I said, as long as you're, as long as you're respectful and progressing, like you said, that's a good way of putting it progressing towards something, not just kind of sitting stagnant.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Right. I mean, I don't see where there would. There would be an issue of knowing your parents, but yeah, it's no biggie to us.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and Sierra's so close that you know we'll still be able to go on walks. And you know, just sit out in that fat yard of theirs. Let's take my. I mean, their yard is incredible. They've got a giant oak tree out there. I think it's okay. It looks like the exact same one at your dad's property. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, and it's got a tire swing swing on it.

Speaker 3:

Yep, it's, that's really nice, anyways so, yet you had something you were going to tell us about here. What's, what's it's about?

Speaker 2:

my, my brain when it comes to eating.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Let's, let's dive into it, let's dive right into it, you know you know how I real quick, before you get into this, i just want to say that the lemon sugar cookies that your wife made were amazing. She'll love to hear that on here. They were amazing. They are really good.

Speaker 2:

I tried one, it was delicious. Yeah, they are amazing, they were perfect.

Speaker 3:

So yes, Somebody didn't say they were perfect.

Speaker 2:

I said, i said that they were really good cookies. Where'd you screw up, she said. She said I thought I was like yeah, these are really good. And then she said but they're probably not sweet enough. And I said nope.

Speaker 3:

Why, why, why would you even go there? She went there, shelly. I want to roundhouse him in the face for you.

Speaker 2:

She went there. She knows I think like things probably listen. When I get a caramel ribbon Frappe from Starbucks, I get extra caramel ribbon, extra caramel extra caramel sauce. I understand that you're the sweet guy. I want sweet.

Speaker 3:

I understand that you're the sweet guy, but when your wife comes in and says, oh, my hair's a mess, doesn't it look like it's a mess? You don't say, yeah, it does. Yeah, i told her that You don't say that. Without it being like that you got something going on there. No, it looks great, let's go. That's what I do. No, it looks great, let's go. No, you just opened your fat mouth.

Speaker 2:

No, i don't. Seriously, we both think there's something wrong with my taste buds. Like I taste stuff, but not as maybe as much as I. She's like I bet you probably don't even think my chocolate chip ones are sweet enough. I said, yeah, they're really good. I like your chocolate chip. She's like well, of course they're cookies. You're just going to keep it. I said have you seen how many cookies I eat in a city? I think she's like yeah, because they're cookies. I said no, because they're really good, they're not sweet enough.

Speaker 3:

Okay, that one, that one. Nope That, you should just kept your mouth, you just said yeah, they are, but she she knows.

Speaker 2:

that's why I can just say no, yeah you heard her for you though They were really good. They were amazing, and they weren't really good. They were amazing, and I seriously do think something's a little off with my taste buds.

Speaker 3:

They were effing delicious. They had a hint of lemon and they weren't too sugary of a sugar cookie. Okay, they were delicious.

Speaker 2:

So you know, you know how I eat. You know how I eat, like if I have candy bars. If I buy a candy bar from a store, i buy two Snickers Okay, not one.

Speaker 3:

I eat them both, one right after another, with a glass of milk, any bit of you that can control yourself to just buying one, knowing that you would eat both of you, bought two.

Speaker 2:

Um, i have a little, i have something funny to go off that. Uh well, my our friend, kelly Shelly's best friend, bought me, bought us all like candy bar, you know, like a movie box of candy bar. Okay, she bought me like a pack of six nakers. Um, she bought you some KitKats.

Speaker 1:

Right, it was about the same amount of KitKats. Yes, what was?

Speaker 3:

this for, and why wasn't I invited to the party?

Speaker 2:

Uh, just, she was coming over.

Speaker 3:

She always comes over.

Speaker 2:

She could, yeah, cause she sometimes is a little off on the dessert stuff. So this time she brought candy bars. That it was spot on. Okay, sometimes she could be a little off, okay, for my taste, gotcha, anyways. So there was one thing where I just had just a small glass of milk and one candy bar. So I can't control myself, okay, okay, but oftentimes I don't want to. I want to get a burst, okay. So you know how I eat. You know I always get. If we get a subway, i get a cookie or whatever. Okay. So let me tell you this I don't think I've ever told you this. It's so stupid. So you know, you kind of made fun of me a little bit down in the kitchen when I just bring lunch meat.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

No, it's not.

Speaker 3:

It's so stupid. It's annoying as shit.

Speaker 2:

So I just bring this little bowl. The girls get this lunch meat and I'll just eat lunch meat.

Speaker 3:

That's disgusting. I want to roundhouse you in the face every time I hear about it. You're saying it now and it's angering me inside.

Speaker 1:

I have to agree with you, okay.

Speaker 3:

Just keep going. I've, since I'm so. It's so irritating. There's so many other things that you can bring that I'd be like, okay, that's okay The fact that you're just bringing lunch meat. I just want to, i want to suck. There is one point where we were driving to subway and I literally almost punched him like square way. I almost hit him, you like looked at me.

Speaker 3:

I feared for my life for a split second. Anger that welled up. It was, it was, it was a moment and I just had to stop pause. And I had, and I and I turned him and I said I almost I was just fucking hit you, i almost did, i almost did it. And he goes that wouldn't have been good And I'm like no it wouldn't have been, i almost socked him. We're driving and I almost punched him.

Speaker 3:

Anyways, this is the type of anger that when I come in and I walk into the office and I go what are we doing for lunch today? And he goes he goes. I brought lunch. I want to punch him so hard I can't even.

Speaker 2:

I will go with him to subway and I'll get. I'll get a bag of chips and one cookie.

Speaker 3:

Yes, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

But this is the reason. Okay, it makes zero sense, but somehow it makes a little bit of sense in my head. It makes zero sense So stupid. I don't think I've ever shared this, but I will. I don't want to make a sandwich because I don't want to eat the bread, because I'm trying to be somewhat healthy.

Speaker 3:

And you go get a cookie.

Speaker 2:

So I'm not eating the bread. It's just a weird justification. It's not even a justification. This is like I just I need to be healthier. So this is the battle I'm going to battle. I'm not going to have bread, grandma's bread on my sandwich, I'm just going to take that.

Speaker 3:

That's your, that's your reasoning for doing this. Yeah, You've been. you've been pissing me off for the last three to four months So you don't eat bread on your sandwich.

Speaker 2:

I just don't want to eat the lunch meat because I know how much calories the bread is.

Speaker 3:

Bread is, And then you go get yourself two cookies From Subway.

Speaker 2:

No listen, let me tell you the last two weeks the last two weeks.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because it's such a bag of chips And then I bought a bag of candy to throw in a dish for kids that come in, and this bitch keeps coming in and eat the candy.

Speaker 2:

We both are for the kids. We both are in zero kids are coming in.

Speaker 3:

I know I was going to say how many kids are going to your office a day You're telling me that the whole reason you just eat lunch meat accurate because you don't want to eat the bread, because you don't want the calories Accurate. But you are rolling into my office and eating the Reese's peanut butter cuts cups and Kit Kats. Zero cents, agreed.

Speaker 2:

I have no argument. I have no argument for this.

Speaker 3:

So start making a dang sandwich. At least that would make more sense If I came in and Hey. I'm going to subway. You could be like I already brought sandwich, instead of being like a bra lunch meeting all is oh, olives are so good, though It's disgusting. I love olives.

Speaker 2:

I do try to save money. So, like we had some leftover Hello fresh So that will be my, was going to be my lunch for the next two days. That's the thing, too, is I'll just keep eating the same food for three days because I don't want it to go to waste and I'm not spending money, so I don't care if it's like it was quesadillas last night. All I ate today was the bean mix and hamburger, and I brought some cheese to dribble on it, warmed it up and ate it. It was enough food to sustain me until I left and it wasn't the greatest lunch, but it got me through the day.

Speaker 3:

I feel like this justification for not eating bread and why you just eat your lunch meat is worse than my justification for not taking the time to heat up my meals. That could be Yes, I would agree with that.

Speaker 2:

Like for me, it's just like I don't want to stand there and hear the stinking microwave go. Yeah, that's just dumb.

Speaker 3:

So I just pull it out. It gets 15 seconds of heat and then I'm done. Pull that sucker out. Oh listen, partly warm, mainly cold. Fine with it, The last, the last, So nasty.

Speaker 1:

It's like mostly warm on top, but then there's like cold spots. Yeah, especially so gross with a chicken pot pie.

Speaker 3:

It's the best, the best cold, the cold gravy, when I get a little warm with the cold, cold carrots.

Speaker 2:

It's money, i almost got it, it's so good, so good, okay so now listen to the last I'm telling you.

Speaker 1:

I'm telling you if we took a poll. I still believe if we took a poll that you're nuts.

Speaker 3:

when you say no, you are crazy 50% to a majority would agree with me. You are crazy. I'm facing this for saying that you're saying I'm nuts Your family's smaller than my family and my family says I'm not nuts, that they agree with me.

Speaker 2:

What can you, what can you do a poll on It's an Instagram or Facebook. Somebody just did a poll.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can do one on Instagram and Twitter, and I'm sure there's a way now to do it on Facebook. So it's all the social media apps are kind of blending in together now. Yeah, I'm sure you could do that everywhere, but we got to figure that out. Mainly Instagram and Twitter, I think.

Speaker 3:

And I think I think where I'm leaning more towards people would be on the majority is it doesn't need to be warmed through. You are? you are crazy, does not?

Speaker 2:

need to be warmed through. I completely disagree. I think this would be a 20 to 30% to 80%. 80% needing it hot, no.

Speaker 3:

Yes, no. Yeah, because most people don't want to eat their food when it's scolding hot.

Speaker 2:

I do not scolding, just when it's hot, when it's hot.

Speaker 3:

They don't want that.

Speaker 1:

You're telling me when a pizza comes out of the oven.

Speaker 3:

You want to bite into that and burn your top of your mouth.

Speaker 1:

Well, maybe not Well not immediately after, but I do like my food to be pretty hot because I hate when it's like lukewarm or cold. I think that's part of why it eats so fast is so it doesn't get to that point Like I need it to be hot. No, and I'll just if it's. If I'm eating something and like in the middle of it it's like too cold for me, i'll put it back in the microwave and let it like Oh yeah, I do.

Speaker 3:

That's why, when things come out hot, people put it in their mouth and they go, because they don't want to eat it.

Speaker 2:

You're like, just you have cold spots.

Speaker 1:

I just need it to like, i need to hear it like sizzle and pop, and then I'll take it out and then I'll give it a couple seconds and then I'll eat it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, same, okay. So now listen back to the lunch thing. So the last couple of weeks I've been getting just chips and cookies, and the gals there are kind of used to it. I mean, yeah, so I'll do a bag of chips, one cookie, because I don't need two cookies. Yes, okay. So I've been like three times where that older gal, i think one of them putting two cookies in my bag. It's the greatest thing, ever. Now I have to eat two cookies. Yes, i don't want two cookies.

Speaker 3:

Well then, don't go to Subway.

Speaker 2:

So today they just gave me one cookie. And you wanted to know, while I did check to see if there were two. I always want to. I always want to or more, but I know I shouldn't. Look, I've got a 50 year old.

Speaker 3:

I have dad, boss, i agree. Annie tells me all the time.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to control where I can try to control.

Speaker 3:

She wants Subway the other day and I'm like for dinner and I'm like she's like. You had it for lunch, didn't you?

Speaker 2:

And I'm like, like every day there's like a 99% chance I'm having Subway for lunch. I mean it's just because there's not very many places around us.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, every once in a while we'll go to killer burger but I mean it's like we're. Taco Bell, but it's, but there's not much around. So I'm like, yeah, And she's like, do you have a cookie when you have Subway? And I'm like, of course I have a cookie. She's like you need to stop eating cookies when you have Subway for lunch.

Speaker 2:

And I'm like.

Speaker 3:

I know, and then I go. I went to work the next day and I was ordering my Subway, somehow my finger clicked on the chocolate chip cookie. I was like, oh, that's weird.

Speaker 2:

Dude, listen back in the day when I was working at the Colombian and I would get. I would get a full foot long sandwich for cookies and a soda. I can't even imagine doing that now, dude, i can't even think about that I do a six.

Speaker 1:

I used to do a foot long too, but now I'm like I think I remember when you would do that, because I would ask for one, because you got like either three or four, i would ask for one and you're like no, these are mine.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that is accurate.

Speaker 3:

Not a surprise. He'll come over to. I remember he comes over to our house and he'll bring this giant ass chocolate almond bar.

Speaker 2:

That's like this big and I'm like hey man, can I?

Speaker 3:

and he's like no, this is mine. Yeah, you want some? Okay, okay, that giant ass bars yours. I can't have one little break of it. Good Lord, not very loving when it comes to sharing food.

Speaker 1:

Oh, i'm not, I'm the worst Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't want any part of sharing food.

Speaker 1:

Really possessive about my things, about my food especially like drinks.

Speaker 3:

Oh my gosh, how angered would you get if Shelly leans over and takes a bite of your food while you're eating it? Oh, i wouldn't care, that wouldn't bother you. I hate that, so I hate it, especially if I say, hey, do you want something? And she's like no, and then I get it.

Speaker 2:

And then she's like, yeah, that would be annoying, but I don't think. Yeah, there's been times when she's like I'll just take a few bites like a dessert. No, especially if it's like a fancy dessert because they're always so small, You just need to order your own. Because you're not like. You know, because they do the tiny little pieces of pie, I'm not sharing it. I already feel like it's. It needs to be twice as big as it is.

Speaker 3:

Oh, geez, you have a sweet tooth, don't you?

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's bad.

Speaker 3:

It's bad. You know it's a probably bad. That's where all this belly comes from. Could you imagine if you were involved in Charlie and the chocolate factory? Oh, i would swim, you would have been that guy being sucked up the tube, you would have felt right in that chocolate river, absolutely, and like just drinking it while it's sucking you away. Yes, i know.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to die, but I'm going down sweet.

Speaker 3:

This is just gulp and chocolate Accurate.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So that's my um that's so you're safe.

Speaker 1:

That's trying to save calories.

Speaker 2:

I stopped eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because it's just all sweet.

Speaker 3:

Here we go. We have something we're going to discuss right now. First of all, peanut butter. Yeah, Oh gosh. I hope this goes the way. I need it to go Smooth or chunky.

Speaker 1:

I already know his answer.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, creamy. Here's the deal Smooth and creamy, right? Yeah, listen, if it was meant to have chunks in it, it wouldn't be called peanut butter, because butter would have chunks in it. Butter is smooth, yes.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's that argument. It makes no sense.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it does.

Speaker 2:

You just separate. well, butter would have chunks in it Of what It's peanut butter At least the creamy peanut butter is peanut butter. and then you throw in some peanut.

Speaker 3:

That's why it's peanut butter, otherwise it would just be peanut sauce.

Speaker 2:

So good, i love it, it's peanut butter.

Speaker 3:

I love crunchy Butter is not chunky, but it doesn't have nut chunks in it, because it's fricking butter.

Speaker 2:

You know what he said when I said this.

Speaker 3:

He goes. It might be good if it did, gosh, i just want to sock him in the face for that comment. Then I said how do you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? He said peanut butter on one and jelly on the other. And I said no, you put two thin layers of peanut butter on each piece of bread and then the jelly. That way the jelly doesn't get sucked up into the bread dough. Do you see what I'm saying?

Speaker 1:

I've never done that, but that makes sense, And he's like eat it four hours later.

Speaker 3:

I don't want a crap ton of peanut butter. I'm like I'm not talking to crap ton of peanut butter. You just do two thin layers, one on each side, and then the jelly. Trust me, when you try this, you will come back to me. I said this trust me, when you try this, you'll come back to me and tell me. And I told him.

Speaker 2:

I would. You are right. I told him that I would, but I like seeing a lot of peanut butter, so why not just put it on both sides, because it's going to be too thin?

Speaker 3:

It's the same. What are we not fucking understanding here?

Speaker 1:

Same amount of peanut butter.

Speaker 3:

Sorry, what are we not understanding? It's the same amount of peanut butter.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it's not looking the same, the same amount that you put on one side. I need that.

Speaker 1:

I need it thick.

Speaker 3:

Oh gosh, i, i, i'm like on the verge. You just said I don't want to put it on both sides of the bread because I don't want to bite into it and have this sticky mouth. But now you're like I need a thick amount of peanut butter. I need it.

Speaker 2:

When you say same thing.

Speaker 3:

If you put it on both sides, you put the.

Speaker 2:

I'll try to do a little thinner. All I'm thinking of is the amount of peanut butter I put on one side and putting on both, and that's going to be too much. Because that's what I do.

Speaker 3:

I just add a lot of people. You just don't put that amount, you just put a little less on that side, spread it on the other side, and by doing this, it allows the jelly to be jelly.

Speaker 2:

Listen, when I was a kid I remember this like it was yesterday, I was probably eight or nine I make peanut butter jelly. When I was little, I would just do bread, peanut butter and then jelly on top of the peanut butter.

Speaker 3:

That's, I think that's how my mom did something One piece of bread.

Speaker 2:

And then I had this is where you got the don't want any bread. And then no, and then I had a, and then I put the other a piece of bread on top, no, so it was bread, peanut butter, jelly. Then I saw my sister, carol, do peanut butter and jelly and I thought that's wrong. She's doing it wrong. What is she doing? She's put the peanut butter and the jelly and then put the bread on like a sandwich. And then I realized she was. That was probably the smarter way to go, because the spreading the jelly it's like that's all mixed up and it's harder to spread. Do you use jelly or jam?

Speaker 1:

Isn't jam easier to spread Spreads? We use jelly for way too long.

Speaker 3:

I prefer jelly because it's more.

Speaker 2:

Jelly Jam is more like a dried version of Well, jelly, you just have giant clumps in parts of the bread. Jam spreads all over nice and easy.

Speaker 3:

If it's a good jam, i can do that, but most jams are like just a little too dried out for me, like I like to.

Speaker 2:

I get that. I wonder, though I don't know, i actually don't even know.

Speaker 3:

You know how long it's been since I've had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Speaker 2:

I love peanut butter and jelly.

Speaker 1:

It's been a really long time since I've had one too, that's too sweet for me now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it can be a lot, but this I really like. This is the hard part is to kind of also go back to the hot stuff. I love a toasted peanut butter and jelly because I'll toast the bread, put butter on it, just regular butter, let that sink into the toast, then peanut butter and jelly and eat it. The problem is is it gets cold too fast. What are we doing? I want a warm sandwich. I want a warm peanut butter and jelly sandwich, toasted Now, with a butter on it too, a little butter.

Speaker 3:

I'm not a big warm sandwich guy Like. There's one that I can eat at firehouse, that's good, but even then I'd rather have it like be cooled off. Yeah, i'm not a big, you hear me. When I go in a subway, i tell them all the time.

Speaker 1:

Don't toast your sandwich.

Speaker 3:

If sandwiches are meant to be toasted, you can go to the firehouse. for that There's a subway that needs to make cool sandwiches I get.

Speaker 2:

If I go to subway I'll get toasted, because I like toast, i like a warm sandwich. If I were to do that, and then we go get it and then take it back to the office now it's not warm anymore.

Speaker 1:

So I just get cold sandwich.

Speaker 3:

I agree with you there. That was the case. But I see what you're saying. If you like the warm sandwich, i don't like. See, i think the key here is that I don't like. I don't like warm sandwiches.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you didn't want a warm cookie. I don't want warm cookies.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, i like cold cookies. And here's the deal we're driving home I can't remember where it was from. I think we were driving home from my daughter's Tudor session that she had And we were talking and Annie was saying that she likes hot out of the oven, fresh hot chocolate chip cookies. And I'm like, no, stick that in the fridge and get it cold. I want it cold, even day old, day old chocolate chip cookies even better. And Jordan's in the back and Jordan's like, yeah, dad, i'm all with you.

Speaker 3:

And I said brownies, day old brownies. And here's the deal. I like the corner brownie that crunchy hard part.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, everybody loves that.

Speaker 3:

Annie's like you guys are sick. She's like that middle piece, warm and gooey, That's the best.

Speaker 2:

Warm and a corner Perfect.

Speaker 3:

See, I like the corner piece. Cold day old, I don't mind that, I even like the day old, because it's got that crunch to it. It's like that crunchy brownie. That's what I like. You know, I think I like I will literally take cookies that my wife has cooked fresh, stick them in the fridge and wait a couple hours.

Speaker 2:

You've told me that a couple years ago you'd tell me that. I think, ooh, excuse me, I'm not a big cake guy either. I love cake. Anything sweet, almost anything sweet.

Speaker 3:

Just a sweet bean.

Speaker 2:

I think the crunchy peanut butter is for a texture. I like something crunchy, like chips. I like chips. I don't eat chips just to eat chips. I usually eat chips when I'm eating like sandwich because I like that text. I like the crunchy with the soft. I don't mind that. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

But I don't like crunchy peanut butter.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that might be part of it. I understand the chips with the sandwich.

Speaker 3:

Every time I take a bite of my subway sandwich, I throw a couple chips in my mouth Like I want that crunch. Yeah, I get that, but.

Speaker 2:

What I really like is some lays, just regular lays, with the peanut butter and jelly. So then you get the little sweet and savory. Really good, you just disgusted me. It's really good. Yeah, that's gross, it's so good, i may even put chips on the sandwich.

Speaker 3:

Peanut butter and jelly by itself. I will not do chips with it, If I can have chips, but I will eat the chips separately of the sandwich The lays with it. That's just disgusting. It's good, I don't even.

Speaker 1:

I used to do that like as a kid. I can't now because it's all too much, But I used to make peanut butter and jelly, have lays and also make chocolate milk.

Speaker 2:

Oh, man, that's getting to be a lot.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which I don't know how I was able to do that, but I did it and I loved it. Nice I could not do that. now It's the kid, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, your dad's just still a kid.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, every once in a while I'll get some chocolate, strawberry or vanilla milk. You guys have vanilla milk, vanilla milk is so good.

Speaker 1:

No, I can barely have milk.

Speaker 3:

That's true. I feel like you're just kind of making something up right there.

Speaker 1:

I like strawberry milk a lot actually, But vanilla milk Yeah, it's really good, you can get it at Safeway.

Speaker 3:

Do we understand the milk's already vanilla? What is that Vanilla milk?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, vanilla milk, it's sweet vanilla milk.

Speaker 3:

The fact that you're buying vanilla milk. it's milk's vanilla, It's white.

Speaker 2:

No, what are you talking about? Yeah, milk is just milk. It's just white milk. It's not vanilla. If it was vanilla, it'd be sweet All automatically. If you buy that's just sweet milk. Yeah, vanilla is really good. I don't get it. I get it at Safeway.

Speaker 1:

I'm lost right now. Wouldn't that just taste like creamer?

Speaker 2:

I went to get some.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's creamer, or like half, and half.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's just vanilla 2% milk.

Speaker 3:

Why don't you just go buy a jug of half and half and just start?

Speaker 2:

gulping it. Yeah, because that's half and half. That's half cream half milk.

Speaker 3:

I don't want that. I'm so confused. So you buy milk, that's called vanilla milk.

Speaker 2:

I just bought one like two days ago.

Speaker 3:

What are you Do?

Speaker 2:

you just drink it. Yeah, it's just vanilla milk. You get it at Safeway. It's with the chocolate and the strawberry.

Speaker 3:

So confused. I've never heard of this before.

Speaker 2:

I actually went there the other day and they were out. I was a little disappointed because there's a lot of people who buy vanilla milk.

Speaker 3:

I know they have vanilla almond milk No that's completely different. But you're saying they have vanilla milk, so like what? Alpenrose is that the company that makes milk Some. So, Alpenrose makes a milk and then they add vanilla to it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, something like that. So what I was saying that's not like that's creamer. I think your daughter's right, That's not creamer. But the problem is is I will get like a pack of ho-hos or fruit pie and then also.

Speaker 3:

You have a serious problem. So you walk into the store. You're like, all right, i'm going for vanilla, chocolate or strawberry milk.

Speaker 2:

You get to the milk And a pack of ho-hos.

Speaker 3:

You get to the milk, Al, You see it right. You're like, oh, there it is.

Speaker 2:

Vanilla milk.

Speaker 1:

I just had one, like yesterday I have no idea even why you would look for that On my way to work, if I'm going to look for milk.

Speaker 3:

It's going to be chocolate milk.

Speaker 1:

OK, and that's about it. I can't even drink regular milk, fake chocolate milk.

Speaker 3:

So you find the milk, and as soon as you so you reach into the cooler, you grab this milk right. So your chocolate milk, Let's just go for chocolate.

Speaker 2:

This morning at.

Speaker 3:

Strawberry, you grab the chocolate milk. As soon as you touch this milk, you instantly think box of ho-hos, like you're immediately drawn to that. Or is the intention? when you're walking in, i'm getting milk and ho-hos. So this isn't like I've touched the milk and now I've got a problem because I need to go buy the ho-hos. It's a whole plan. It's a whole plan. You've already started the process.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and this is why I'm a little bit all right, let me buy you a vanilla milk. I will not drink it, and let little do a little taste test.

Speaker 3:

I will not drink it. And you know what's disgusting Strawberry milk I can't stand it. Strawberry milk is good, nasty Chocolate milk. I like strawberry milk a lot.

Speaker 1:

My hope is it's very it's a very specific brand, though it can't be any other. I think it's a Nesquik one that I like, but anything out of that is not good.

Speaker 3:

I get that people like it. I'm not a strawberry guy, though, like I don't like strawberry shortcake. I don't like strawberry milk. I'm not really a strawberry guy, right, but like, if I'm doing peanut butter and jelly, i'd rather it be grape. It's just my preference, right. So but chocolate milk very little, it's like if I buy it. it's like it's like not even a full line, probably not even half glass. It's very little because it's so thick usually.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, i was going to get. What I was originally going to say is I've gotten like chocolate milk and some ho ho's and that's a little much. Yeah, it's a lot of chocolate.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Don't do that very often.

Speaker 3:

I remember when I was a kid, though.

Speaker 2:

Chocolate, milk and a banana.

Speaker 3:

Really good Chocolate, milk and a banana.

Speaker 2:

Delicious, Especially like a thick chocolate milk, like a Nestle and a banana.

Speaker 3:

I don't even know what to think. I don't even know what to think. Next he's probably going to see a full cold glass of milk with a hot pizza. Yeah, gosh, it's so disgusting, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I just had a.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I had a Totino's tonight. I'm like I can't wait because I just got some milk And I'm going to have this Totino's pizza and glass of milk Not joking.

Speaker 3:

Am I in my odd?

Speaker 1:

Again. when I was a kid I had those Totino's pizzas all the time and would always make chocolate milk. Now I can't have it either Together or separate.

Speaker 3:

I had the Totino's pizzas when I was a kid and I still could have them And I could eat a whole one.

Speaker 2:

Just cut it right up on the plate. I can have one every once in a while. It's got to be cooked.

Speaker 3:

just right, though, if it's cooked a little it's like this doughy.

Speaker 2:

I think mine was like that tonight. It's got to have that crunchiness to it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying Well, what we've done is keep it in the freezer until the oven is ready, and then you put it right in the Yeah, and that's the way to do it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but see, in our house, though, we've discussed this because we've had pizza and had this conversation, you got to have. So, like you can't have pizza and not have a soda, Well, this is the thing Like when I have.

Speaker 1:

I'm just not wanting a soda, so I'll just have water or Gatorade.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, when.

Speaker 1:

I have.

Speaker 2:

When I have vegetable beef soup, just Campbell's vegetable beef, love it, love it Okay.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna.

Speaker 2:

In a grilled cheese sandwich.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yep, that meal is a popular meal for us. In the winter and fall They'll have a tomato soup. They don't. They only use the tomato soup to dip in. They don't usually eat the soup. Okay, it's only for dipping.

Speaker 1:

I used to only do it for dipping, but I think I've been fine with drinking it more or like eating it more separate.

Speaker 2:

Don't be. Yeah, anyways, uh, so I'll do my own can of Campbell's vegetable beef soup and two sandwiches With that. I gotta have a Pepsi. It's like it's the best. I love a Pepsi with that specific meal. Okay, every once in a while. Don't mind a Pepsi with my pizza, but I prefer glass milk. That's disgusting. It's delicious, it's disgusting. I also like a steak with milk, which apparently is like taboo, like you're not supposed to do that apparently Yeah, you're not supposed to have pizza with milk either.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's real good. That's taboo too, dude. When I I couldn't figure out what to make for dinner tonight, shelly's like you just want to grab a Dijourno? I'm not a big fan of Dijourno. She's like well, you can get some Totino's, we'll get a Totino's.

Speaker 1:

I'm like oh yeah, I got milk.

Speaker 2:

It's going to be real good. That's disgusting, That's gross. I also had before dinner three finger scoops of white frosting. That's in our fridge.

Speaker 3:

You have a real sugar problem. This is three finger scoops of white frosting that you've got a serious problem.

Speaker 2:

Then Michaela did it and she's like why is this so good? No, Only once though.

Speaker 3:

That's too much. Like three of them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Sometimes I'll do Kram crackers and spread some frosting on it, but it's just way easier to just stick your. I've been doing that since I was like five. Yeah, if my mom made like a cake. she put, like the chocolate, you know, the can of frosting in the back. I'd come home from school because I was a latchkey kid. Nobody was on to tell me, no, i was like stick that finger in and just right off my finger. You know what I'd do right back in wouldn't it?

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, right off the finger Oh yeah, i still had, like it was still wet, with like some of the chocolate still on there, and you're just like absolutely.

Speaker 2:

My parents would also buy gallon tubs of ice cream, just huge chocolate swirl, strawberry swirl. I'd come home and I would like this was like 1986, right, so I'm like 13. I've been doing it way before. Then I get a fat bowl of ice cream, hopefully some cookies, and I would like watch Top Gun like every day on VHS. Okay, it was my favorite time. Nobody was home.

Speaker 3:

Fat bowl of ice cream We usually had some like coming home from school and getting a snack was like a thing, right Like come home nobody was home and I would watch And there was like the four cartoons, There was like. For me it was like duck tails, Chippendale, Rescue Rangers Can't remember all the names of them, Darkwing Duck was one of them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's probably your area. I was watching like video, you know, VHSs or whatever, or whatever was on TV.

Speaker 3:

I know I did all the same stuff you're talking about, but I do not dip my finger in frosting. now I might try it but, three dips fingers.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cause I was kind of hungry.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, but I'll tell you what those Teddy Graham dipped fingers. Yeah, the Teddy Grahams. You know the little graham dip those in frosting.

Speaker 2:

Those are disgusting.

Speaker 3:

Huh, don't like those. Dip them in frosting. They're the same thing as a graham cracker, pretty much. I don't know What's wrong with you.

Speaker 2:

A little different.

Speaker 3:

Am I wrong? Aren't they just like a graham?

Speaker 2:

cracker, I don't think you're wrong. Teddy Grahams, literally Teddy Grahams, and they're like they say on their graham cracker.

Speaker 3:

Geez, just dip it in frosting dude Sweet, How do you not like?

Speaker 2:

that Why I just dip my finger in the frosting. Why do I need a?

Speaker 3:

you know what you remind me of. You remind me of Will Ferrell in the elf. When he's like, when she's like, you like, sir, I put on a sugar sweet then yes, that's you. You just like you're over there in this, in the frosting jar, you got your finger in, you're getting ready to eat it And somebody's like you like, oh, you like frosty, don't you?

Speaker 2:

Does frosty have sugar in it?

Speaker 3:

Then yes, you just pull your finger out.

Speaker 2:

Well, i stuck my finger in and I didn't have enough on it, so it went in like a couple of times, like do you clean your finger off the forehand. Oh hell no.

Speaker 3:

You just double dip in that sucker.

Speaker 2:

Nobody else is eating it?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because they don't have a chance. You're over there scarfing it down, dude, Geez, why don't you just go get a spoon or something and suck some out? It's just, i don't know.

Speaker 2:

It's just not, as I don't want to say fun, but it's just not the same.

Speaker 3:

Shelly pulls the frosting out to start frosting some cookies or something, and she turns and then turns back and it's gone. You've already inhaled it. One fail swoop Fingers, fingers. One finger swoop, don't mind me.

Speaker 1:

You're running off with frosting on your fingers, don't mind me.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, So good Yeah. So I came home today Like ooh, there's some white frosting in there.

Speaker 3:

There's some white frosting in there Three times. Three times. Like you did it the first time, you're like, oh shit, it's so good. You did it a second time, oh shit, you're like one more time We're going back in again, yep.

Speaker 2:

So good, so good. Well, we're at an hour, so should we do our thankful and gratitude, or whatever.

Speaker 3:

And we need to come up with some. Although this is great conversation, i love talking about food and we found out some good, some good things here, right Disturbing.

Speaker 2:

So can we just talk about food for an hour, for probably 40 minutes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, probably 40 minutes of it. It's fine, you know it's our podcast, we can do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we can do it every where we want.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, that's fine. You know what I was going to say, though I was going to say this before we get into the thankful and all that stuff is, and me and you've had this discussion outside of the podcast, but it's not in regards of food. I was thinking about it though. I was like while we were sitting here talking about food, I was like what else could we talk about? And then I realized that we were at an hour probably, but the washing of hats or buying a new hat, And it made me think why can't clothing just be cheaper? Because my thing is is, once I buy it and something gets dirty right, Shirts, pants a little different, because you can throw them in the washer and wash them, And actually the more you wash them, the more like worn they get. It's kind of it becomes more comfortable to wear.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I get that.

Speaker 3:

But in regards to like shoes and hats or like or like some and like a nice pair of gloves or something, If somebody were to buy some, in the winter like why can't those things be a little cheaper? Because once they get dirty I want to throw them out and buy a new pair. Right, I'm not a clean them up kind of.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i'll clean my shoes. And you see these people, they're like oh.

Speaker 3:

I got these white, you know. I don't know what they were called. I think they might have been Keds.

Speaker 1:

Back in the day. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And then all the gravel, Oh yeah soak them in this and that I don't want to do all that. Okay, i understand there's ways to clean your shit. I don't want to do that. I just want to buy new. Yes, give me something new and fresh. I can wear it for like two or three weeks. When it gets dirty, i'll buy a new again. Oh yeah, it's too much.

Speaker 2:

And make it cheap for me.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, if it was cheap enough. Sure, This is where I wish I was like rich, rich. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, I'm like that, like that you know JZ Beyonce rich. They just bought $200 million house. That's why I wish I was that rich, because then I just be like give me these shoes that I like to wear. I would like a new pair every two days. That'd be amazing And it wouldn't ever. It wouldn't. It wouldn't ruin you. You know what?

Speaker 2:

I'm saying, Yeah, that's like like the Keds, Those are like canvas and you really got to know how to fix those Cause once you get a dirt mark. Like I was telling Sierra, I wanted some really nice, clean white shoes, good walking shoes for Italy when they go for their honeymoon. And I told her she was looking at some and you know, Adidas has that material that's like woven material or whatever. I'm like you get those dirty ones.

Speaker 3:

You get dirty in there.

Speaker 2:

You're done. I mean you can try to clean them, but they're hard. So I said, get like that patent leather you know my shoes because you can clean them. And she's like, well, i need them to be really comfortable. So she found some somebody she knew it might have been Laya, josh's mom, maybe somebody got found some Adidas that were really comfortable. So she got some for herself, for Italy. So I said get those, because they're so much easier to clean, i'll clean them for you.

Speaker 3:

I wish I would. This is where I wish I was like, but at that canvassy stuff, or those new running shoes from Adidas.

Speaker 2:

But you see those people that they're like dirt markets.

Speaker 3:

They're toast The like, the like, the people that take like shoes. They'll like, dig them out of like the dirt and then they'll clean them off and they'll get them completely clean and redo them and rebuild them, and stuff you know. And I think to myself man, i wish I knew how to do stuff like that, because then it's like you have all the stuff for it. My shoes would be clean.

Speaker 2:

All the time right Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Because they know how to get in there with all that stuff They got all the things. They know how to clean them all up It's, but I just don't want to take the time to do that. I don't want to do that.

Speaker 2:

I just want to buy a new.

Speaker 3:

My hat gets dirty, just want to buy a new. I don't want to soak it or wash it. I would love to be able to do that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, just all the shoes I want to be in that type of I want to be where I could just buy, get me new and fresh every single day. Yes, i wouldn't mind that. I mean you see those rich people right, jay-z, beyonce, these guys that I mean. Then there's the exception, like Elon Musk, which is just billions of dollars and he just wears a T-shirt and jeans every day.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Those rich guys like that.

Speaker 3:

That's what they do. They don't care.

Speaker 2:

They don't think about clothes.

Speaker 1:

They have bigger, more important things.

Speaker 2:

That's what's that? That was Steve Jobs. The whole thing is black turtleneck in those shitty dad jeans, because he didn't want to think, he had other things to think about. He did.

Speaker 3:

He didn't care about fashion, but it's like it's about creating, you see these guys that wear like these famous people and they're just, it's constantly new clothes and they're all always clean and brand new.

Speaker 2:

Well, those people are getting dressed too, you know, because everybody like for free.

Speaker 3:

I want to be there.

Speaker 2:

So you get that rich and then people just because they're you're known, so then you just get stuff for free because it's advertising. That's what I want. It's a little backwards.

Speaker 3:

I want to be. I want people to just give me stuff for free to wear.

Speaker 2:

See, I think Adidas should be paying me for the sweatshirt because I have their giant Adidas logo on my shirt. Instead, i bought this for like 50 bucks or something. I'm paying them for me to advertise for them. Correct? Don't like it. It's correct, don't?

Speaker 1:

like it.

Speaker 3:

It's a good point. Anyways you're like a walking billboard for him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I paid for it.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

How's that work?

Speaker 3:

Suck it, that's right. So this is where we come to the point of our show where we try to talk about something we are thankful or So we're not so complaining all the time, thankful for, or what?

Speaker 1:

Excited about.

Speaker 2:

Excited about Yes.

Speaker 3:

And or thankful or excited about? Yes, do you have something?

Speaker 1:

Um, yeah, shoot. Um. I'm excited for tomorrow because we are going to binge, watch or try to binge as many as we can, as many episodes as we can, of the last season of a show we've been watching for the last 34 years.

Speaker 2:

I think this is a four season, four years Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Um, it's never have I ever done Netflix Okay. Yeah, never seen it, it's a. It's a very coming of age.

Speaker 2:

So her and I thing like Sierra and I have like Marvel and Star Wars and stuff, her and I do coming of age movies, shows, you know like middle school, high school kids, you know like coming of age stuff. So we love that kind of stuff.

Speaker 3:

Are you going to let your dad take a nap when he comes home? No, yeah, you're probably three or four shows in, and then he's going to be out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, She's like, can we just bend Ben? I said, if you?

Speaker 3:

give. If you give him a nap, he might be able to get.

Speaker 2:

I said, if we did this on Saturday morning at about 11, we'd binge the whole season.

Speaker 1:

I know the. Thursday night as a rough go man which is a part of why I wanted to set a specific Saturday aside so we could just watch the show on one Saturday, but this weekend I'm going to a friend's house, so we won't be able to do that.

Speaker 2:

So what does get through? as well as we can without me falling asleep Sounds good. I hate falling asleep when we watch those. I feel too so bad. But they know like, get up at six o'clock with me and we'll binge watch it.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Because I'm, i'm, i'm raring to go. at six o'clock in the morning, i'm ready to go.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I'm going on walks and getting copies.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's annoying but he is. Yeah, no lie. I'm excited about that too, because we haven't had a lot of just.

Speaker 2:

TV time together, so I'm excited about spending some time with my daughter.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but that's hers. You can't pick it. That's not fair. You can't just take her idea.

Speaker 2:

That's a good idea, though I'm I'm involved in it.

Speaker 3:

You think about it and I'll tell you what I'm excited, for I have multiple things. I'm excited for before we record again.

Speaker 1:

Well, we might record next week, so hopefully that would be nice.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, let's. Let's shoot for that, so I won't bring up that one, but tomorrow I'm going golfing.

Speaker 3:

I'm always excited to go golfing. I don't know. I love golfing. I think a big portion of the excitement that I get, though, is dressing up, because I love that Golf clothes are so comfortable, and I love we talked about it before we started the pot podcast. I tried. My outfits are flamboyant, almost. I mean, they are. They're just. I try to get the wildest craziest out there, and I don't mind it. You know what I'm saying. When I first started golfing, i was like Oh yeah, try to be collective, and like black and gray is, and now I'm like, no, the wilder and crazier the better, and I don't care who sees me out there and thinks this numbschool, mys will be wild.

Speaker 3:

I think that's it's a thing, though for golf. Yeah, that's fine, um, so I'm excited for that.

Speaker 2:

It's where you know. It's the golf courses, where straight guys can be a little gay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, straight guys that are gay can be gay. Wait a second.

Speaker 1:

That doesn't work. What was?

Speaker 3:

that Little flamboyant, little flamboyant very flashy, lots of colors. That's why I look at it. And then, um, um, my other excitement that I have coming up I'm hoping it happens like first of next week, but I don't know if it will is, um, i get to. uh, i'm getting new rims and tires. Oh yeah, i'm a Tessie.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, i forgot about that, so it's gonna stand out, i'm hoping they come in.

Speaker 3:

They're sick rims So I'm hoping that they'll come in because it's gonna, it's gonna stand out. But something I'm thankful for that I was also going to mention because I have the excitement and then I have the thankful is I'm thankful for my son and his excitement and his determination to play football. It's really kind of it's really kind of juiced me and he did the eighth grade thing. You were there last night because your soon to be son-in-law was coaching the team he was playing against.

Speaker 3:

So it was a great game. It was a good game, Though both of those teams are really good teams they could have gone either way.

Speaker 3:

But Talon's team did win. They won the district championship and that was really cool And it just made me like going to his games made me so proud of what he's doing and how he's just he's just motivated to do it. The kid gets straight A's, he's motivated to play football, he just I'm really proud of him. And it made me like, be like, and I told you today like I kind of wanna be involved in the coaching of his high school, which that's not like me, which is weird.

Speaker 2:

That's why her eyes are ready to pop out of her head.

Speaker 3:

Because when I went to his games I'm on like on the sidelines and I want to say something Because I know football. So I wanna say something, but when you're not a coach, you can't say anything.

Speaker 1:

You have to like shut up.

Speaker 3:

And so like I wanna say something And it's like and it made me think he's in it would it be that bad to get involved? And so I don't know. I mentioned it to him today too And he was kind of like looking at me the same that you were like really, and it's like yeah, because it kind of got me like juice, like when they won, like I was out in the middle out there and I was kind of juiced. Like I saw your arms up just recording.

Speaker 3:

Yeah recording And at first Annie's like go get us some pictures, stuff. I'm like no, just let him have his moment. And then, once I got out there and like everybody's screaming and the coach is like hyping up the team, i'm like this is pretty dope, like it brings me back to when I was in soccer and baseball and stuff And my teams. When I was in that age group we were undefeated, and so it was like it just kind of brought me back to that And I was kind of like, yeah, this is something that I could do. I could see why Josh, my brother, got involved with coaching when his kids were in sports and how Ian is involved with his kids Because it kind of makes you like you want to be out there you know.

Speaker 3:

So I don't know. We'll see what happens. I'm not saying that's gonna happen, I'm just saying it kind of makes me feel like I want to do that. But I am very proud and thankful for him and his encouragement and his persistence to just stick with it. He's like he just wants to do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's no back down. That's what. I was really happy for him, proud of him last night. It was really cool. It was sad for Josh, but he's moving on to another school So it wasn't I don't want to say it wasn't a big deal, but he's kind of moving on. I was really happy for you guys. It was a good game. They pretty much dominated the whole game And it was like his first year. I mean, what a way to go out.

Speaker 2:

you know, and he got to play quite a bit Yeah what a way to go out.

Speaker 3:

He got a tackle, he was on kickoff and he actually like Yeah, bunch of guys missed and he just went up there and just boom, hit the guy and took him down.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was awesome. So what I appreciate about him is it's like in him to do. He's not afraid, and I told you multiple times when he started that you can't coach that. You can't coach that. the no fear part and the figuring out how to tackle a bigger guy Like he's like determined to figure that out. Dude, you can't coach that. That's either in you or not. And I hope he continues to grow. I mean he's just going into his freshman year. I think he would make a great safety. He just needs to really pay attention, get those skills, work really hard. I think he could be pretty good. You just you can't coach that. Like I'm going to figure this out. That is not going to. like you were telling me in his first games he would like he tackled, like you know, tried to tackle this big kid and the big kid just kind of ran through him. He's like, well, that's not, i'm not, that's not going to happen again. So then, two plays later, he can't coach that.

Speaker 3:

Two plays later the kid tried to do the same thing and he hit him and he just spun around, jumped on the guy's back and just drug him down Like he was like no, figure it out He was like he said dad, i'm not, that kid was not getting away that second time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i love that So but yeah, he loves it.

Speaker 3:

And as he starts to grow into his body because he's already, I mean, the kid wears size 13 shoes, So as he starts to continue to grow into. you know, I didn't spurt until I was like a sophomore in high school.

Speaker 1:

So as he grows into that, he's already as tall as I am, and he starts to yeah, And he's tall.

Speaker 3:

And he starts to like, actually understand the game and stuff. He's gonna be a force to be reckoned with because he's got it in him.

Speaker 2:

It'll be interesting to see where he, where they might put him over the next two years if they see something in him. But hopefully they, if he keeps working. they say you know coaches, college coaches will find a kid no matter where they're at Smallest school, if you're good, they will find you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, i had to sign papers that said, are you okay with us putting his stats on sheets that would be seen by colleges and stuff? And I said yes, Because if it's something that he wants to pursue and he gets good at it. Yeah, i want him to be recognized by you know, colleges and stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, he went straight last night wins the district championship game with his eighth grade. Today gets out of school He's still in eighth grade, obviously gets out of school and heads right over to union high school And he's at practice. They immediately next day practice with the for freshmen. So he's like, yeah, this is what I want to do. Cool, love it Really. I'm thankful for that.

Speaker 2:

So, anyways, I still have no idea what I'm excited. I'm excited for Sierra. She's, you know, getting married in a month and a half, So that's like our big summer thing getting ready for that. And I'm excited for her sister to be involved. She's her maid of honor And so it's a special time for them.

Speaker 3:

Are you going to get emotional?

Speaker 1:

Probably yeah.

Speaker 3:

That's so sweet.

Speaker 1:

He's going to be a bitch, but that's sweet, yeah, i try really hard to hold it back, especially when I'm in front of people, cause I hate. I hate crying around people, no matter what it's about, i hate it. So I I kind of, i kind of try to minimize the situation in my head to stop myself from feeling that, cause I hate crying in front of people, no matter what it is. So and she wants me to speak, which is which makes me really anxious and sweaty if I think about it too much.

Speaker 3:

She, you're saying, she wants you to.

Speaker 1:

You did that And you're not going. You're thinking about it. No, i am She. I should be upset if I didn't. I did Yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's different cause it's your sister and basically your best friend, but at least you got a little practice in. You know a thrilly little test drive Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I'm probably going to do something similar that I did with hers is that just write short but sweet on my phone and then just be done, Cause I can't be up there for too long talking in front of people.

Speaker 3:

Realize the amount of joy that would give her for you to speak.

Speaker 1:

Yes, cause, yeah, that's why.

Speaker 3:

Is that the only reason you're doing it?

Speaker 1:

Well, that's not the only reason why I'm doing it. I feel like if I didn't do it, I would regret it in the future.

Speaker 2:

True, true. That's a big motivation.

Speaker 1:

Just cause I'm anxious about it.

Speaker 3:

And for for like three, four months ahead. So is this? in multiple things you do this Like you'll do that, knowing that Yes, like the fear that you'll regret it later.

Speaker 1:

Yes, like there was a concert that I went to last year. There were. It was a my favorite artist and he came for two nights And for I wasn't planning on going to the second night. But my friend was like Mac, like this is, like, this is your guy, like this is your favorite person, like she was kind of like there's tickets available on Seat Geek, like you like we need to get these.

Speaker 1:

And if I, i knew, if I got them, that meant I had to drive to Portland by myself for the first time, find parking for myself in Portland, and I was like and spend a certain amount of money, but I was able to cause of the job I had at the time.

Speaker 1:

So I was like I mean I have the money and I have people that I'm meeting there And I was like I was really anxious but I was like if I don't go to the second night that my favorite artist is in my city, i would regret it for the rest of my life. So it was kind of last minute decision, but I bought the tickets like the day before, cause I know if I didn't do it I would have regretted it. And there was another show I went to recently by myself, cause a friend had one ticket and I wanted to go to this show really bad but I was afraid of going alone. I was like, well, i need to go, cause I love this person too. So well, it's different, cause I had him drive me, cause I was scared to be in Portland by myself.

Speaker 3:

Oh, dad came through.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, she, she gets real nervous about stuff, but it's that I don't want to regret this. That will override any kind of anxiety that she has, cause she doesn't want to like. she said she doesn't want to regret missing that moment. I like that she's like let's that override her, you know.

Speaker 1:

Even if I feel it a lot and it's very debilitating, I still Yeah, she powers through that.

Speaker 2:

The power through part is what I appreciate.

Speaker 1:

I'm like I just know that if I don't do something that I want to do in the moment, but I'm like feeling a lot of it, like I would totally regret it, just because I'm feeling anxious at the time about it, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, i think you should do it. You should talk at your.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm going to.

Speaker 3:

That would be, that'd be.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I think that you forgot the biggest part. You're thankful for Josh, obviously.

Speaker 2:

I was actually just going to mention Josh. I'm excited for, i said Sierra, but I'm excited for both of them. Yeah, i love that. Like, josh is out, you know I told you earlier today he's, you know, in the house. He really hasn't been without Sierra. She just comes home to sleep at this point, but he's got his own place and you know they're doing the thing. They're both, you know, kind of growing up and maturing and.

Speaker 2:

You know we've it's. It's too sided that it's a Too sided for us. It's. You know Shelly is like really sad, or really sad that she's going to be going. But Shelly was so pumped to go clean the house, you know, and make you know she kind of arranged stuff in the kitchen for it to be cute when she got home from her bachelorette party. So that part she loves and is so excited for her to help set up her house. It's just the. You know she's going to be out of the house and that's going to be a big adjustment for all four of us. But you know we'll fall into a rhythm and she only lives like three minutes away.

Speaker 3:

So It's a new chapter in your family dynamic.

Speaker 2:

It's just a natural thing that happens. Yeah, yeah, i'm excited for both of them.

Speaker 3:

Although sad, because the family dynamic that you guys had is kind of not kind of. it is coming to a close right Right, but this new dynamic is going to bring so much more joy, yeah, we're gaining a son Yeah, gaining a son. Who knows how many years until you gain a grandson?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'll be a couple of years, Yeah.

Speaker 3:

So I mean, it's just, it's just going to, it's just a whole new thing now. Yeah, it's the new phase, And that's going to bring more joy than what you had before. So, right, right, yeah, it's good. So.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

That's wonderful. Let's try to meet up next week. But outside of that, take it easy.

Speaker 2:

All right, we'll talk to you, mackie. Have anything else? Nope, okay, see you. Thanks for sitting in with us.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for letting me Yes, bye.

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